Help Us Support advancing research

The Somatic Understanding Research Foundation thanks you for joining us in empowering our organization and our community to fund this necessary research.  The Somatic Understanding Research Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization and your donation is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowable by law.

To expand our research capabilities please underwrite our mission by sending a tax-deductible donation to the following address:

The Somatic Understanding Research Foundation 2029 Third Street North Jacksonville Beach Fl 32250.

SURF is gathering donations for three Mind-Body Wellness Funds. The three funds are described below- please let us know if you have a preference for which fund you would like your donation to support.

Somatic Research Fund
Support Somatic Psychoeducational Interventions for outpatients at UF Health Jacksonville, based on innovative trauma-informed theories, such as the Polyvagal Theory. The program will benefit an underserved population and a group that is especially vulnerable to psychological distress due to neurophysiological manifestations underlying the mental and physical health consequences of trauma and chronic stress. Funding to support programmatic needs, research, and education.

Neuroendocrine Lab Fund
To support a lab in the psychiatry department at the College of Medicine-Jacksonville with a focus on behavioral endocrinology. Funding would help cover faculty and laboratory staff salaries, materials, or other incidentals necessary to allow collaborative research to be conducted by the psychiatry department in the context of mental health and trauma.

Auditory Research Fund
To support interventions and research focused on listening therapy. Funding would help cover faculty and/or laboratory staff salaries, materials, or other incidentals necessary to allow collaborative research to be conducted by the psychiatry department in the context of mental health and trauma.